
$30,000 Worth of iPhones Stolen from RadioShack

Goods stolen from store on Sunday night valued at over $30,000

Robbers stole $30,000 worth of iPhones, along with more than $1,800 in cash, from the RadioShack on 28 JFK St. late Sunday night, according to a report filed by the Cambridge Police Department.

The report stated that the robbery occurred as the store’s assistant manager on duty was in the process of closing up for the night. According to his account, the assistant manager was kneeling to set the alarm on the storefront door when he was grabbed from behind by several unidentified male figures.

He was then forced into the back room and held to the floor while the suspects proceeded to carry out the robbery, stealing the keys to the store and the contents of the cash register along with a large number of iPhones and $1,600 which was to be deposited from the RadioShack’s sales that day.

The suspects were able to make a clean escape before the Cambridge police arrived.

According to the police report, the assistant manager was unable to see the faces of any of the robbers and could not identify any of them.


But in his statement to officers, he said that he believed that at least one of the robbers had to have prior knowledge of the equipment in the store, as the group was able to unlock the cash register, which requires a specific sequence of buttons and levers to open.

Individuals arriving at the scene were advised not to touch the cash register to preserve any fingerprints that may help to identify the suspects.

The police report also noted that the robbery occurred at 10:58 p.m., much later than the store’s typical Sunday closing time of 7:30 p.m. The assistant manager said he was forced to keep the store open late due to the presence of a lingering customer.

Despite the significant loss in merchandise, RadioShack carried on business as usual on Monday. When asked about the previous night’s events, employees declined to comment.

