
Hayward-Zhang Tout Results

As Brian T. Ru ’11—campaign manager of the Hayward-Zhang bid for leadership of the Undergraduate Council—strolled around the Quad Sunday morning on his iPhone, he said his interview with The Crimson wouldn’t have been possible without the leadership initiatives of George J.J. Hayward ’11.

Improved cell phone service in the Quad and the continuation of late-night shuttles shape the ticket’s proven track record in the area of student advocacy, according to the campaign’s supporters.

“We are a campaign that is driven by results,” said Ru, adding that he backed Hayward on the basis of the candidate’s persistence and efficiency in achieving tangible changes for his classmates.

Hayward and Felix M. Zhang ’11 “really have the pulse of the student groups” and they “can channel that into a concrete change,” said Senan Ebrahim ’12, chair of the UC Student Life Committee.

“There is not much convincing to do once you show someone what [they have] done,” Ru said.



Hayward’s supporters said his commitment to result-driven leadership and improving student life on campus qualify him to lead the UC.

“I have always known who George Hayward was and knew the work he was doing because he was always out there and always giving results,” Zhang said.

While Zhang acknowledged that “there are a lot of students that say that the UC doesn’t matter,” he noted that many Quad residents were better off as a result of Hayward’s advocacy on the UC.

In response to the College administration’s proposal to cut late night shuttle services to the Quad last spring, Hayward said he immediately solicited students’ input.

After sending out e-mail surveys and inviting classmates to call him with their concerns, Hayward said he received hundreds of replies that he compiled into a 75-page document and sent to House Masters.

“George Hayward, above all candidates, is the type of leader who will support student initiatives,” said Mallika Khandelwal ’11, chair of the UC Student Initiatives Committee. “His record points in that direction.”

In addition to highlighting Hayward’s immediate responsiveness to the needs of Quad residents, Hayward’s backers emphasized his persistence.

“He’s the type of person that will ask a question and he will ask it again and again and he will be persistent to the point of annoyance,” Khandelwal said. “He is not the type of person to say ‘I tried and it didn’t work—good effort George’ and pat himself on the back.”


