Love It: House Parties

Where can you go on campus to listen to “My Sharona,” “Jesse’s Girl,” and “Born to Run” all in a

Where can you go on campus to listen to “My Sharona,” “Jesse’s Girl,” and “Born to Run” all in a row? Where can you whip out that Ginger Spice costume you were too pre-pubescent to pull off during the actual Spice Girl heyday? Where can you watch resident tutors awkwardly pretend that you didn’t spend the last two hours pre-gaming as you trip over your Converse sneakers onto the dance floor? That’s right: the house party.

Some people think that once you leave your dorm in Harvard Yard, you’re too old or sophisticated to go to house parties. Maybe they think the cooler option is going to a final club party. Let me enlighten you on something: they are wrong (and probably closet house partiers anyway). Why make the drunken mistakes of your first week of freshman year just once? I know that doubling the maximum capacity of a triple in Winthrop and running out of alcohol in the first half hour is your idea of fun.

The 80’s Dance, the 90’s Dance, Sweet ’n Nasty, and Make it Rain are all awesome. It’s like Halloween every weekend! The themes give you a reason to play dress-up like when you were little, giving you an excuse for a shopping trip to the Garment District. Plus, they play all of your favorite songs. If you don’t like Bruce Springsteen, you’re un-American.

And best of all, you get to watch freshmen awkwardly grope each other, unsure of the proper etiquette for grinding on a stranger. It’s almost as good as watching 13 year-olds play Snowball at your cousin’s Bar Mitzvah.