
Smith's Letter to the Faculty

Incoming Dean of the Faculty Michael D. Smith sent the following e-mail to the Harvard faculty on Wednesday:

Dear Colleagues,

Benedict Gross has today announced his intention to step-down as Dean of Harvard College, effective August 31, 2007. Dick has served energetically as the College's dean for the past four years, and before that as Dean of Undergraduate Education for one year. In that time, Dick has done a great deal to shepherd the review of the undergraduate curriculum and to enhance many aspects of undergraduate life on campus. A summary of his achievements is contained in the attached press release.

Please join me in thanking Dick for his service, and in acknowledging the many ways in which the experience of our undergraduates has been improved by his leadership of the College.

I welcome your advice about the current strengths and challenges of the College, as well as your nominations of colleagues who would be especially well-suited to lead the College beginning this fall. You may write to me in confidence at:

Yours sincerely,

Michael D. Smith
