
Sunkist, Falafel Ring In Sundquist-Sarafa Victory

Unnamed photo
Rachel M. Douglas

Matthew L. Sundquist '09 (right) and Randall S. Sarafa '09 (left) won the race for president and vice president of the UC on Friday with 66 percent of the vote.

Students snacked on Sunkist and falafel as they toasted members of the Sundquist-Sarafa campaign on Friday following the announcement that current Undergraduate Council Vice President Matthew L. Sundquist '09 and running mate Randall S. Sarafa '09 would lead the council next year.

"We're really excited," said Sundquist, standing before friends and campaign staff members. "It's going to be awesome."

Election Commission Chair Michael L. Taylor '08 delivered the news to Sundquist's Mather suite and brought along members of the Harvard Glee Club, who immersed the winners in song as they were being doused with champagne.

Sarafa said the first thing he would do as the vice president-elect was to keep the promise he made to the Alaska Klub and swim in the Polar Bear Plunge Saturday morning.

Sundquist said he would "hopefully start going back to class soon," adding that he and Sarafa would soon sit down to go over plans for their term, which starts next semester.

Fellow candidate Frances I. Martel '09 and her campaign staff, not including her chronically absent running mate Leo P. Zimmermann '09, were also present to congratulate their opponents. The two tickets had previously agreed to combine their celebrations.

Martel expressed candid disappointment that her ticket captured less than 8 percent of the electorate, taking a third place finish. "It was awful—172 votes," she said. However, Martel said later on that she "had fun" and was grateful for the experience.

"Although there are still things I disagree about in [Sundquist's campaign], I love the people," she said.

While the two camps were congenial, the competitive air was still alive as Martel's supporters held up signs reading, "Hanging Chads, Election Stolen" and "We Demand a Recount, Some Cabot Voters Barred From Booths," after the Sundquist-Sarafa victory was announced.

"This election is not over," Martel supporter Rachel A. Montana '08 said. "We will squeeze this orange until the pips squeak."
