
Designers and Photogs

Favorite Design Keyboard Shortcuts

Us non-content people don’t quite grasp the use of full. sentences. In order to placate those “writers” who like to hoard words for themselves, we have compiled a list of our favorite design keyboard shortcuts:

5. Apple + +, Apple + - : For all your zoom in/zoom out needs, obvi.

4. Apple + Shift + I: Not to be confused with Apple + I, which has probably never been used in the history of Photoshop.

3. Apple + D: Useful in both InDesign and Photoshop.

2. Apple + Z, Apple + Z, Apple + Z, Apple + Z, Apple + Z, Apple + Z, Apple + Z, Apple + Z, Apple + Z, Apple + Z, Apple + Z, Apple + Z.

1. Apple + Shift + Your Mom.

—Mariah A. Bush ’10, Alan C. Chiu ’10, Carlton E. Forbes ’09, Nicole R. Leeds ’10 and Amy Y. Ren ’09 are the current designers and photographers of the Arts section. They are trapped in the basement and planning on writing a hip-hopera about it.
