
Snapshots: 'Neither Snow, nor Wind, nor Cold...'

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Sarah M Roberts

Members of President Faust’s family read a selection from Dr. Seuss' "Oh, the Places You'll Go!" at a Thanksgiving service inside Memorial Church on Friday morning. From left to right, daughter Jessica Rosenberg '04, nieces Lili and Tyson Gilpin, and brot

Professors must have felt like weary postmen as they marched towards Memorial Church Friday. But intermittent rain couldn’t dampen spirits Friday as the University officially installed Drew G. Faust as its 28th president. Official Harvard Alumni Association ponchos were donned, umbrellas sprouted like mushrooms in Tercentenary Theatre, and the ceremony was marred only by a wet microphone that shorted out during remarks by University Marshall Jackie A. O’Neill.

Faculty, academic deans, house masters, clergy, and other University officials gathered in a procession from Boylston Hall to Tercentenary Theater before the installation ceremony.

The Harvard College Pan-African Dance and Music Ensemble led the academic procession to the stage on the steps of Memorial Church. The troupe lined the central aisle between thousands of folding chairs as Faust and select well-wishers filed onto the stage.

Two graduate students in History of America Civilization cheered for President Faust during the faculty procession. Their "Drew Can Do It" sign was decorated with pictures of both Drew G. Faust and Red Sox right-fielder J.D. Drew.

Faust accepted the second of Harvard's illustrious insignia, a bound copy of official Harvard records dating from 1639 to 1795, from former Harvard President Neil L. Rudenstine. The compilation contains an original sketch of the famous "Veritas" insignia.

Bass-baritone opera singer Simon Estes performed "Amazing Grace" as the ceremony entered its conclusion. Faust, University of Pennsylvania President Amy Gutmann '71, Gov. Deval L. Patrick '78, and others listen from the stage.



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