
Jell-O Wrestling Adds Flavor to Dodgeball

Mziko Lapiashvili

Students frolick in the lime-flavored slime at a CLC organized Jell-O wrestling event in the MAC quad Saturday.

Intramural dodgeball competitors last Saturday were treated to an afternoon dip in a pool—a pool filled with nippy, green gelatin, that is.

The Campus Life Committee (CLC) combined two college classics—intramural sports and Jell-O wrestling—to create “Slippery When Wet,” a spring water event held in between games of the House Intramural Dodgeball Tournament last weekend in the Malkin Athletic Center Quad.

The event featured inflatable water slides and a pool brimming with lime Jell-O set up on the sidelines of the dodgeball courts.

“I know Jell-O wrestling has been a big college thing, so we decided to finally do it,” said Sopen B. Shah ’08, CLC chair. “I know a lot of people were excited—I don’t know what it is about it.”

The tub of gelatin may have been the event’s selling point, but only a handful of students immersed themselves in the sticky, green substance largely because of its frosty temperature, students say.

“We’re waiting for the Jell-O to warm up a little bit right now,” Shah said Saturday. “It’s pretty damn cold.”

One of the few who braved the cold gelatin was Blake M. Kurisu ’07, a Winthrop House dodgeball player who was thrown into the pool after his team lost. He summed up the experience as “pretty tasty.”

And while Iain W. R. Kaplan ’08, a Lowell House player, decided to forgo a Jell-O bath, he was nevertheless one of the first to cool off in the water slides.

“I’m having a great time,” Kaplan said, although he pointed out that “the Jell-O wrestling is the big draw.”

Kurisu said the clear and sunny skies contributed to the event’s success.

“This is a great day for this kind of event,” he said.
