
Summer Postcards 2005

Dixfield, Maine Is Misrepresented In Postcard

To the editors:

As a resident of Dixfield, Maine, I take issue with the recently published article

“Bucolic Bacchanalia” (Postcard, July 1) by Matthew A. Busch. Aside from his sardonic tone to describe our town—one would think that a writer for such a publication would think of something more witty than the easy target “Dixfield”—he egregiously misquoted our town’s motto. Upon entering Dixfield, drivers are greeted with signs reading “The Only One,” not “It’s the only one,” as Busch wrote. This seemingly slight error reads as carelessness on the part of the writer and the editors.

We are proud to live where we live. A little fact-checking goes a long way sometimes.



Dixfield, Maine

July 7, 2005

