
The Prying Game: Summer Flicks

Summertiiiiime…Fish are jumpin’, the cotton is high, your daddy’s rich and your mammy’s good lookin’… It’s time for the last edition of The Prying Game for this school year—except for a surprise celebrity version in the upcoming ArtsFirst supplement, dig it!—and we couldn’t figure out a way to make the election of a pope relate to pop culture, so we asked people about summer movies. Enjoy.

Janet K. Kwok ’06

“The new Batman movie looks great—I hope it’ll save the franchise after Joel Schumaker destroyed it. I want to see ‘Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory’—because I love Johnny Depp and the original Willy Wonka. I guess they’re trying to make it more modern…I was really upset because they said they CGIed the Ooompah Loompas— whatever happened to dying midgets orange?”

Alexander B. Schwab ’06

“I’m probably going to see the last ‘Star Wars’ movie. The last two sucked, but they seem to be decreasing in suckiness. I thought the first one was juvenile, but at least the action scenes seem to be progressively improving…With summer movies, I usually just decide to [go to the movies] and then pick one to see.”


Jenny E. Rood ’07

“I’m excited about the ‘Hitchhiker’s Guide’—I actually haven’t finished the books yet but from the trailers it looks pretty amazing. I guess I’ll see ‘Star Wars,’ too, just because it’s ‘Star Wars,’ but I don’t have high hopes. I’m also excited about the new Harry Potter book coming out this summer.”

Rolando Perez ’05

“I’m looking forward to this movie called ‘The Island,’ where there’s clones made up of people, and they’re on this island...I’ll be honest, it was all the trailer that made me want to watch it. If you put together a good trailer and the right score, like ‘dah-duh-DAH!’...then there’s some weird conflict where the clones get out and people are confused by them. Really, the trailer doesn’t show much except guns, and people running away from things.”
