
SPORTS BRIEF: Brown Wins First of Make-up Doubleheader; Nightcap Suspended

While it often seems like every Red Rolfe division crown goes to either Harvard (10-2 Ivy) or Dartmouth (6-6), this year a third, unexpected horse has entered the race: Brown (9-2).

After impressively sweeping The Big Green this season, the Bears entered today with just two losses—the same total as the Crimson—but with two fewer wins.

Today, the Bears finally got their long-awaited chance to equal Harvard’s 10 victories.

In the end, however—despite their best efforts—they succeeded only half-way.

Making up a postponed doubleheader against Cornell, Brown disposed of The Big Red 16-5 before weather once again took things out of everyone’s hands.


A 5-5 deadlock in the nightcap was suspended in the eighth inning due to a steady downpour, with Brown runners on first and second and one out.

The contest will be completed at 12 p.m. at the same location, Cornell’s Hoy Field, today.

The extra travel for the remaining 1.2 innings worth of play may prove troublesome for the travel-weary Bears, which will face off against Harvard this weekend for a four-game set in Providence, R.I.

The Crimson, meanwhile, will be busy themselves at Fenway Park, playing Northeastern in the Beanpot final.


