

Crimson Gives Extension School A Bad Rap

To the editors:

Having served as the president of the Harvard Extension Student Association during the 2003-04 academic year, I was shocked and saddened to read “Duff at Harvard (extension)” (Editorials, Feb. 28). Why The Crimson chose to devote its editorial energies to bashing Hilary Duff as well as the Extension School is beyond the comprehension of many. Perhaps you have to be enrolled in the College to truly understand the complexities of the argument (attack).

The Harvard Extension School is one of twelve degree-granting schools at Harvard, and along with the College, a part of the Faculty Arts and Sciences. It is directed at non-traditional students and encompasses a diverse student body, including approximately 2,000 students in degree and certificate programs from over 100 countries. Rather than parenthetically invoking “extension” as a sort of curse (insult), The Crimson should have acknowledged the phenomenal education students receive while attending the Extension School, whether in pursuit of a degree or just an intellectual interest.



March 1, 2005
