
UC Delays Reform Commission Discussion

Council also calls for installation of vending machines in Science Center

While major changes in the the way the Undergraduate Council (UC) operates were supposed to be discussed at last night’s meeting, UC members learned that they will have to wait until after Spring Break to hear the recommendations of the Reform Commission.

Reform Commission Chair Jon D. Einkauf ’06 said that “other big ideas” had been brought to the table which still need to be discussed.

Einkauf said that the Commission will be considering “micro” as well as “macro” changes in UC operations.

The micro recommendations—such as increasing election funds for UC candidates—would only require changes to the UC’s bylaws.

But the macro recommendations—such as changing the structure of the UC’s committees—would necessitate rewriting the UC constitution. Any changes to the UC constitution require a three-fourths vote to pass.


UC President Matthew J. Glazer ’06

said that the Commission had many ideas that it was “eager to move forward with,” but that it needed more time to discuss those ideas.

“Before it [the Reform Commission] presents any recommendations, it is still considering the very fundamental question about represtentation and the structure of student government,” Glazer said.

Einkauf outlined a few tentative “micro” recommendations to the UC, which he stressed were contingent on the Reform Commission’s meeting on Tuesday.

The suggestions included making three vice-chairs for the Student Affairs Committee (SAC), giving the Financial Committee (FiCom) more control over its weekly grants packages, and reforming the role of the Treasurer to be more autonomous and work with three “mini-treasurers” on each committee.

Einkauf said they have contacted every UC member to get input on the changes.

UC Assistant Secretary Jia Fang ’08 said that she thinks the Reform Commission will have the support of the UC because of its efforts to get everyone involved in the process.

But Fang said that major structural changes to the UC, like decentralizing its committees, would not be likely to garner support.

“That seems to be something that a lot of people have reservations about,” Fang said.

Also at last night’s meeting, the UC passed a resolution calling for vending machines in the Science Center, which is open 24 hours a day.
