
CPD Police Log

Feb. 19

— A resident of St. Louis reported that she left her laptop in the trunk of a cab on her way to Logan Airport; a call to the company by the resident turned up nothing.

Feb. 20

— A business owner on Cambridge Street reported that at approximately 1:25 p.m. he noticed that an unknown person(s) had entered the front door, shattering the lock. The cash drawers appeared to be disturbed and the rear office appeared ransacked.


— A resident of Andover reported that at approximately 5 p.m. she noticed that an unkown person(s) smashed the rear right-side window of her motor vehicle. The resident did not find anything missing.

Feb. 21

— At 5:30 p.m. a Rindge Avenue resident reported that an unknown suspect smashed the driver’s side window and took a speaker and an amplifier out of the motor vehicle. The motor vehicle was parked in the rear lot of 362 Rindge Ave. The speaker and amplifier were recovered in the area. A suspect was stopped in the area and identified.

— Kristen Burrows was reported missing by her sister. Ms. Burrows was last seen on Feb. 20, 2005. Ms. Burrows was wearing a white t-shirt, tan pants, white sneakers, and a puffy blue jacket.

Feb. 22

— A resident of Hampshire Street reported that at 5:20 p.m., a suspect gained access to her apartment. Once the suspect was inside, the apartment was ransacked; clothing was found burned.

— A resident of Cambridge reported that she made deposits via the ATM in Fresh Pond and Porter Square between April 2004, and January 2005. Money (totaling over $2,000) has not been received. The bank was notified.

Feb. 23
