
Screen Shots

Drum roll please…after much anticipation it’s finally here—“The Big Lebowski” Collectors Edition DVD. If you haven’t been eagerly awaiting the arrival of this new DVD with a sharper picture and new Jeff Bridges photography, stop where you are. This story—of a former hippie’s (Jeff Bridges) hectic trip to discover the culprit who stole his rug and kidnapped the trophy wife of a millionaire with the same name—is a must see and must see again. Watch, enjoy, and play one of the following “Big Lebowski” drinking games. In respect to “His Dudeness, or El Duderino if you’re not into the whole brevity thing,” the beverage of choice is the white Russian, a combination of two parts vodka, one part Kahlua, one part light cream on ice.

Pick one of the following to follow along as a movie guide. Drink at the following times.

1. Every time the Dude is called anything but said name.

2. Every time Donnie (Steve Buscemi) speaks.

3. Every time Walter (John Goodman) loses his temper. (Have UHS on standby.)

4. Every time Walter gives any reference to Vietnam.

5. Every time a racial slur is used.

6. Every time the Dude goes into a musical dream sequence.

7. Every time Johnson is used in reference to the Dude’s umm…Johnson.

8. Every time you see marijuana (5 times).

9. Every time the word “nihilist” is used.

10. Every time a language besides English is used.

If all of these events in the movie are too hard to follow, simply drink along with the Dude and try to keep up. When all of this drinking proves to be too much, make sure to be careful in case your rug “really ties the room together.” And for those among you who fear Duder’s wrath for not drinking during the movie, don’t worry: the Dude abides.

—Austin M. Litoff
