


The executives of The Crimson’s editorial board put their slightly scuffed crystal ball to work.

Stephen W. Stromberg ’05

Editorial Chair

After a disappointing meal, council President Matthew W. Mahan ’05 will take out his frustration on the Kirkland dining hall staff, screaming, “All of this petty bull and damn popcorn chicken are ridiculous.”

Benjamin J. Toff ’05

Editorial Chair

Now that Clear Channel has permanently pulled Howard Stern from six stations, nothing else will now stand in the way of achieving world domination.


Morgan R. Grice ’06

Associate Editorial Chair

First-years will be plauged by an unknown illness as they continue to play ultimate frisbee on the curious green spray on the lawns of the Yard.

Travis R. Kavulla ’06

Associate Editorial Chair

Maureen Dowd will be forced to temporarily cease her diagnosis of the Bush admin’s misdoings—testosterone’s to blame, she has explained in at least 20 columns—and face the music that recent media meteor Condi Rice is, indeed, female.

Margaret M. Rossman ’06
