


The executives of The Crimson’s editorial board put their slightly scuffed crystal ball to work.

Stephen W. Stromberg '05

Editorial Chair

After giving Council of Economic Advisers Chair N. Gregory Mankiw a noogie for favoring exporting American jobs, George Bush will add a new disincentive: Next time, it’s Twister with Dick Cheney and Paul Wolfowitz.

Benjamin J. Toff '05

Editorial Chair

Students will succumb to Lord of the Flies- style violence as frustration over network outages builds.


Morgan R. Grice '06

Associate Editorial Chair

Massive brawls will break out around campus as tension mounts over who has and has not “confirmed” their friendship on

Travis R. Kavulla '06

Associate Editorial Chair

Deaniacs will utter a collective “bummer, dude” after realizing that democracy isn’t nearly as cool as Howard Dean. Will America’s impassioned youth make haste for the Edwards and Kerry camps? Don’t count on it.

Margaret M. Rossman '06

Associate Editorial Chair

After being told his apology was “too late,” Conan O’Brien will mysteriously disappear, proving to all that you “don’t mess with Quebec.” This predictor will not make the requisite French joke here, for fear of her life.
