


The executives of The Crimson's editorial board put their slightly scuffed crystal ball to work.

Stephen W. Stromberg ’05

Editorial Chair

The inspiring example of H Bomb will spawn a series of imitator publications, including Gavel to Gavel: Rohit Chopra and the Men of the Undergraduate Council and Headmasters: University Hall After Dark.

Benjamin J. Toff ’05

Editorial Chair

After the success of a recent culinary display station on “Salt...the only rock we eat,” dining halls will debut a series of exhibits on grades of meat unfit for human consumption. Did I say “debut”?


Morgan R. Grice ’06

Associate Editorial Chair

There will be a resurgence of love this Valentine’s Day, transforming Harvard’s socially awkward into smooth-talking gigolos. Right.

Travis R. Kavulla ’06

Associate Editorial Chair

Harvard will finally boost the pay of their general fund managers, after realizing they are, in fact, underpaid according to market averages. For complaining alumni, look for gift subscriptions to the Wall Street Journal, courtesy of Larry Summers.

Margaret M. Rossman ’06

Associate Editorial Chair

After unsuccessfully trying to acquire Disney, Comcast (owner of E! Entertainment Television) will bite back with “Minnie and Winnie (The Pooh): The True Hollywood Story.”

Simon W. Vozick-Levinson ’06
