
New Facebook Groups Abound

Before this year, college students could only define themselves on by a single lonely profile. But now students can express themselves by joining groups ranging from the serious to the ridiculous, the real to the phony, and the mundane to the vaguely disturbing.

Since revealed its new group feature, the networking website’s members have created more than 1,000 groups, ranging from “Anti-Popped Collar Club” to “The Zoo.” Blocking groups can define themselves, campus bands can promote themselves, and now, as the Undergraduate Council Presidential elections approach, candidates can broadcast their message.

Matthew R. Greenfield ’08, an active member of the “Matt Glazer and Clay Capp for UC” facebook group, says the group is “a great outlet” for the candidates.

“It has allowed the organize itself andå its support publicly,” Greenfield writes in an e-mail. “It has provided a new means through which to advertise.” The other tickets—Teo P. Nicolais ’06-Samita A. Mannapperuma ’06 and Tracy T. Moore II ’06-Ian W. Nichols ’06—also have facebook groups dedicated to their campaigns.

As the would-be presidents look to the internet to gather votes, campus bands like Chester French have created groups to keep fans informed and gain new ones.


“Hanging posters and handing out flyers around campus is expensive and time consuming,” Justin G. Hurwitz ’07, the keyboard player for the group, writes in an e-mail. “We still promote through those more traditional methods, but we also take advantage of facebook to efficiently reach nearly a thousand fans who are part of the group.

“We receive messages all the time from fans who found our website and listened to our music as a result of seeing our facebook group,” he writes.

Many existing campus groups have turned to the facebook as a means of keeping the club together—the reason, facebook creator Mark E. Zuckerberg ’06 says, why the site added the feature.

“They were designed to be an online counterpart to student groups, down to specifying officers, having space for announcements and allowing groups to have meeting spaces and official websites,” says Zuckerberg, who is also the site’s webmaster. “It’s really nice to see people enjoying the feature the way we designed it, because that means we did something right and we’re helping people out.”

But many groups on the facebook have less serious aims—or none at all.

Blocking groups, upperclassman houses, and freshman dorms and entryways have also found the facebook’s groups to be a way to keep in touch.

“My blocking group is pretty close-knit, but at the same time we have fairly disparate interests and activities—the group is a way of highlighting our connection,” says Abe Othman ’07.

Gregory J. Balliro ’08, one of the intramural representatives for Straus, started “Da Straus House IMs” group. He said he uses the site to post schedules, messages from the representatives, a link to the main IM webpage, and info on other House IM athletes. “It definitely helps get people out to the games,” he writes in an e-mail. “Most importantly, it is a place where Da Straus House IMs can flaunt our victories and make excuses for our few and far between failures.”

A browse through the groups on the website reveals groups of all kinds, representing students’ diverse (and bizarre) interests.

“While Harvard students are freezing their buns off, Stanford students are getting a tan,” says Brian S. Gillis ’07, founder of Students for the Relocation of Harvard to California. “Our plan is to relocate every teacher, building, and student from Harvard to some location in California.”
