
Police Log

Feb. 24:

12:18 a.m.—A Harvard University Police Department (HUPD) officer received a report of an individual slumped over in a motor vehicle near 175 N. Harvard St. The officer did not find the individual after searching the area.

12:43 p.m.—An officer was dispatched to Lamont Library to investigate two individuals climbing up the building. The suspects were gone upon the officer’s arrival.

1:28 p.m.—An officer took a report of a wallet stolen from the library of the Kennedy School of Government (KSG).

1:37 p.m.—An officer took a report of a Palm Pilot stolen from the KSG.


Feb. 25:

9:35 a.m.—An HUPD officer investigated a broken copy machine at the KSG. The officer filed a report for vandalism after finding the front panel had been broken.

7:29 p.m.—An individual received a trespassing warning after disrupting a class at Gund Hall. An HUPD officer escorted the individual off of the property.

Feb. 26:

12:11 a.m.—An officer was dispatched to 2 Holyoke St. after receiving noise complaints. The two individuals involved will work with Harvard Planning and Real Estate to resolve the “ongoing” noise.

9:07 a.m.—An officer removed an unwanted person from the women’s restroom in the Science Center.

5 p.m.—HUPD officers monitored a rally on Mass. Ave.

Feb. 27:

12:27 p.m.—An officer was sent to 9 Grant St. after receiving reports of a car alarm sounding. The alarm reset upon the officer’s arrival.

6:35 p.m.—An individual at Hemenway Gym refused to show identification when questioned by an HUPD officer. After issuing a trespass warning, the officer escorted the individual off the property.
