
Card Tells KSG Grads To Stay Involved

President George W. Bush's White House Chief of Staff, Andrew H. Card, Jr., encouraged graduates of the Kennedy School of Government (KSG) to get involved in the political process in his Class Day speech yesterday.

"We have a great democracy in the United States, and it's great because it allows for the broadest participation," Card told a filled ARCO Forum decorated with flags of countries from around the globe. "In our democracy, the greatest title you can have is politician."

Card described his lifetime of political service, telling the students they should all enter the field, whether as lobbyists or politicians or policy specialists.


"Public service really is the most noble of callings," Card said.

Card served in the Mass. State legislature for several years and ran for governor of Massachusetts in 1982. Since then he has worked for three presidential administrations and several presidential campaigns.

"There's something about a campaign that's very seductive," Card said. "I hope that you get turned on by working for campaigns."

Card grew up in the small town of Holbrook, Mass., where he said his family instilled in him the desire to learn about politics through discussions over dinner.

"We always had a healthy debate over public policy and politics," Card said. "We couldn't wait to get to the dinner table."

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