
A Chat with Robert Rodriguez

When I was in high school, I used to carry around a binder with a picture of Robert Rodriguez taped to the cover. Not only did I fantasize about shooting rockets out of my trombone case El Mariachi style, when I bought my DVD player, The Faculty was the first disc I purchased. That is because Rodriguez, the mastermind of such blood-spattered action spectaculars as Desperado and From Dusk Till Dawn, is, quite simply, one of the most extravagantly entertaining filmmakers working today. Crimson Arts recently caught up with the laid-back, low-budget icon at a college roundtable to discuss his latest madcap action-thriller, Spy Kids.

The Harvard Crimson: Hi.


Robert Rodriguez: Hi.

(Rodriguez begins to ponder the Four Seasons notepad sitting in front of him and, all of a sudden, begins to scribble furiously.)

Q: What are you doing?

A: Whenever I see a blank piece of paper, I just have to fill it up.

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