
Kennedy School Gets $50 Million Gift

The Ford Foundation today announced a $50 million grant to the Kennedy School of Government (KSG)-the largest donation in the school’s history-designed to establish an Institute of Government Innovation.

The Institute will both provide funding for government innovations around the world and serve as forum for government officials, journalists, students and policy analysts to discuss political reform.

"This grant reaffirms the mission of the school to train public leaders," said KSG Dean Joseph S. Nye.


The ultimate purpose of the Institute will be to fund and publicize models of government innovation, which are selected through a competition.

"Our goal is finding exemplary models of performance in government and disseminating information [about them]," said new Executive Director Gail C. Christopher, who previously directed the Innovations in American Government program at KSG.

Christopher said she hopes the Institute can work to increase public faith in government.

"We want the general public to gain more trust and confidence that government can solve problems."

Christopher said the Institute will not adopt any political stance beyond furthering democracy in the U.S. and around the world.

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