
Core Comittee Approves New Courses

The Core Committee approved two new courses for the Core program at a recent meeting, and also approved one course for cross listing and an additional departmental class for Core credit.

On March 20, the Core Committee approved Weary Professor of German and Comparative Literature Judith A. Ryan's Foreign Cultures class "Jugend Gegen Hitler" (Youth Against Hitler), and Jeffrey D. Sachs '76, Stone professor of international trade, will offer a Social Analysis course entitled "Wealth and Poverty in the World Economy."

"I think it's a great subject and I do sense there will be a lot of interest. I am delighted to teach in the Core," Sachs says.


Ryan's course, which will be taught entirely in German, will focus on the resistance efforts of young people against Nazism. Some groups that will be studied include White Rose and Edelweiss Pirates, a rowdy group with anarchist tendencies who wore the edelweiss flower as a kind of insignia on their clothing, Ryan said.

The emphasis of this course will be on everyday life in Nazi Germany and what it felt like to live during the Nazi era.

The reading list for Ryan's class will include fictional and autobiographical accounts, Nazi proclamations and regulations and oppositional flyers and posters.

In addition, "Hitler Youth Quex," a film about a young man who is desperate to join the Hitler Youth group, will be screened.

One book of interest, says Ryan, is Fragments by Binjamin Wilkomirski. It was published initially as an autobiography but it was later discovered not to be autobiographical at all. Wilkomirski invented experiences in concentration camps, and the original publishing house retracted the book, causing an international scandal.

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