
Student Commencement Speakers Named

The three students who will speak at Commencement were announced Friday.

Seth W. Moulton '01, a Currier House resident, will give the English Oration, Corinne S. Crawford '01 of Eliot House will deliver the Latin Oration, and Leng L. Lim of Harvard Business School was chosen as the graduate student speaker.

The three speakers were picked after an extensive selection process conducted by the Commencement Office at Wadsworth House.


Crawford said she found the selection process rigorous, yet extremely fair.

"It was a good process," said Crawford, a Classics concentrator. "I found that I especially enjoyed the auditions, mostly because I really enjoy speaking in Latin and rarely get an excuse to use it."

As a member of the marching band, Crawford said she has witnessed many past Commencement ceremonies, and has always wanted to audition to be a student speaker.

Crawford said she will talk about the personal growth a student experiences as she or he is able to study what interests them.

The Latin word for study, studium, refers not only to hard work but emphasizes the enthusiasm and zeal that comes with intellectual pursuit, Crawford said.

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