
Grad Schools Top U.S. News Study

Two Harvard graduate schools-the Graduate Schools of Education and the Medical School-will be named today as the best in the country by U.S News & World Report's annual study of graduate schools.

The magazine released on Friday a list of the top five schools in five different fields of graduate education-placing Harvard Medical School (HMS) first in the medical research category and the Graduate School of Education first in schools of education for research.

But Harvard's results were slightly less stellar than last year's rankings. Last year Harvard Business School also received the magazine's top ranking, which it shared with Stanford, but this year Stanford took sole possession of the number one spot and Harvard fell to number two.


Harvard Law School (HLS) also placed high in the ranking, finishing third behind Yale and Stanford. For the first 10 years that U.S. News released rankings, HLS finished second, falling to third only last year, in part because of its high student-faculty ratio.

In last year's ranking HLS was ranked 116 in the faculty to student ratio-with a ratio over double that of Yale Law School. This fall, HLS committed to adding 15 new faculty positions within the next ten years.

Several Harvard schools have previously said they pay little heed to the rankings and the changes in rankings from year-to-year.

"We don't run a law school based on a magazine," said former HLS spokesperson Michael J. Chmura last year. "We think we're the best law school in the country."

HMS has also stressed the incomplete picture given by the magazine's ranking.

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