
FAS Expands Core Offering

The Core Committee approved five courses to count for Core credit, one class to be cross-listed, and three departmental classes to be counted for the Core on April 17.

History 1533: "The Modern Police State," taught by Terry D. Martin `85, an associate professor of history, will become Historical Studies A-79.

Martin, who designed his course on the role of the secret police in the Soviet Union, Nazi Germany, and Communist East Germany to be a Core, wanted to teach it in the history department this year as a "dry run."


This will be Martin's first time teaching within the Core.

"I like teaching broad courses, and I liked Core classes while I was a student here," he said.

Professor of Anthropology Maryellen Ruvolo will teach Science B-59: "Genes and Human Diversity," which she had previously taught as Anthropology 103.

The material in her course will not be altered to fit Core requirements-instead, she said, "I wanted to beef it up in a lot of ways."

She said she has added a wealth of updated material, on ethics and the genome project.

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