
Economics Sourcebooks See Price Hike

Ec 10 administrators--who teach about 800 students every year about the necessity for open markets and free trade--seem to need a lesson in managing their own money.

After losing nearly $7,000 dollars on sourcebooks last year, the Social Analysis 10: "Principles of Economics," (Ec 10) office doubled the price of the spring sourcebook.

Students said, however, that the price hike is one of the course's many inconveniences this year.


In addition to being more expensive, the coursepacks are also further from the center of campus. Instead of being sold in the Science Center like most other courses, the materials are only available at BSF Business Printing on Mass. Ave.

The Ec 10 office has met with many challanges in its attempts to print sourcebooks in a reasonable time frame for an acceptable price.

Managing Money

The price of a sourcebook is determined by the use of copyrighted material and by printing costs.

The Ec 10 sourcebook that is now going for $61.40 sold for only $35 last spring.

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