
Living Wage Protestors Give Rudenstine a Valentine

A handful of Living Wage Campaign members fought cold, wintry rain and icy sidewalks last night in a series of unannounced visits to the homes of four top administrators.

Student protesters delivered hand-made Valentine's Day cards to lobby for a $10.25 minimum wage for Harvard workers--a figure that the Cambridge city council has adopted as the official Cambridge living wage.

Of the four administrators, only President Neil L. Rudenstine was home last night.


The protestors said they were shocked when Rudenstine--wearing a coat and tie--came to the door.

"It was completely bizarre," said Benjamin L. McKean '02, a campaign member.

McKean introduced himself as a member of the living wage campaign, coming to deliver a "love your workers" valentine.

According to McKean, Rudenstine responded, "Thank you very much, that's very sweet."

McKean said that throughout the exchange, he heard someone laughing in the background.

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