
'Alexander' Students Offered Take-Home

Students in last semester's Literature and Arts B-21, "Images of Alexander the Great," will have the option of either a take-home or proctored make-up exam, Dean of Undergraduate Education Susan Pedersen decided last week.

Students taking the exam in Science Center B on January 18 were interrupted when a man walked into the examination room claiming to have a bomb.

Pedersen's decision--sent in an e-mail to students during intersession--informed students that the exam would still be given on the originally rescheduled date--February 3 at 9:15.


Students who opt not to take the seated proctored exam can pick up a take-home equivalent on February 3 and return it by February 5.

Students must decide by 5 p.m. today which exam they will take.

Pedersen wrote students that while she believes the university should do everything in its power to help the

students, administrators have no intention of excusing them from completing the course requirements.

"The actions of some madman should not prevent us from pursuing our usual educational goals," she wrote.

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