
IOP Voter Drive Debuts at First-Years' Registration

College complies with new federal guidelines

For the first time in College history, first-years were allowed to register to vote and request absentee ballots while they formally registered as Harvard students.

Members of the Institute of Politics' (IOP) nonpartisan Community Action Committee organized the efforts to provide first-years the chance to vote in the upcoming election. First-years were encouraged to register and request ballots, though the process was voluntary.

"[First-year] students were thrilled to think that they could still vote [while at college]," said Heather A. Woodruff '03, who organized the effort along with E. Clarke Tucker '03. "We got nothing but positive feedback."


The effort to get first-year students to vote was two-pronged. The Registrar's office provided national voter registration forms for unregistered students or those who wished to re-register in Cambridge.

Already registered students were also given the chance to request absentee ballots.

The IOP put 15 rented computers on the first floor of Robinson Hall for students to make these requests online at First-years provided the required information and IOP members printed the forms, addressed the envelopes and mailed them.

The procedure for absentee ballot requests varies from state to state, preventing volunteers from offering a single form.

Demand for absentee ballots exceeded expectations, creating long lines that deterred some students.

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