
Yet Again, Anemic Attendence Afflicts Council

Live by the sword, die by the sword.

Warm weather blessed the Undergraduate Council's Springfest last Sunday, but last night it cursed the council's weekly meeting, as balmy temperatures and a lack of air conditioning in Sever 113 contributed to poor attendance at the council's next-to-last scheduled meeting.

The council started its meeting 45 minutes late because it did not have a quorum--half of the council's members--present.


And the meeting ended early for the same reason. Too few members had stayed to vote on seven proposed bylaw amendments.

When a handful of members left the meeting in the middle of a debate, it became obvious that there were not enough people to continue.

According to council President Fentrice D. Driskell '01, the council currently has 56 members--making 28 the minimum number with which the council can conduct official business.

The failure to maintain quorum was a major disappointment for council leaders, particularly because expulsions and resignations have cut the council's size from 72 to 56 in the past two weeks alone.

The council's April 24 meeting--when the amendments dealt with today were originally slated to be discussed--also ended with a quorum call, when attendance dipped below 36.

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