
Bow Bows Out As Grendel's Reopens

As beer taps ran dry at the Bow and Arrow Pub Saturday night, Grendel's Den on Winthrop Street was enjoying the end of its first full day of business in more than 14 months.

Operators of both bars said the squeeze of soaring Square rents pressured them to drastically re-think how they do business.

One survived, but the other may be gone forever.


Sunday, the Bow officially closed for a building-wide renovation. A sign on the front door declared, "The Bow has left the building."

The Harvard Cooperative Society, owner of the 1 Bow Street building in which the pub resides, predicts that construction will last until the fall.

The building's management company, IDM Inc., has said the Bow may then move back in, though bar operators insist they can't pay higher rents.

"The rent will be so high it'll cost five to six dollars for a beer, and that's just not worth it," said Bow employee George Cook.

"Right now we have no location, no plans," he said.

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