
New BGLTSA Board Vows Inclusive Atmosphere

Albert H. Cho '02 has never served on the Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, Transgender and Supporters Alliance (BGLTSA) executive board. Michael A. Hill '02 was a co-chair last year.

But both were elected as co-chairs on Monday night and both said they want to make the BGLTSA's image more inclusive and less divisive.

"Lots of people, including myself, have criticized the BGLTSA for being offensive, unresponsive and irresponsible," Cho wrote in his pre-election position statement.


"I am running for election because it's time to put my money where my mouth is and make a difference."

Cho and Hill said they hope to reinstate regular community meetings to help make the BGLTSA more user-friendly.

"I think there's a perception that the BGLTSA hasn't been very welcoming of input from its membership," Cho said. "I'm not sure where it comes from. I hope to make people feel comfortable in coming to us to tell us what we should be doing. You can't go wrong with listening."

Cho is a relative newcomer to the BGLTSA. In a phone interview, he stumbled over the group's tongue-twisting acronym.

This month's election comes after a tumultuous year for the BGLTSA.

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