
Nice Weather Blesses Swingin' Springfest

The Undergraduate Council didn't get the high-priced band it wanted for yesterday's Springfest--and after a Friday afternoon foul-up, it didn't get $2,300 worth of amusements, either--but at the end of the day, an exhausted council was able to declare victory.

Students said Big Bad Voodoo Daddy proved a cheap but acceptable headlining alternative to George Clinton and thousands turned out to support five student bands and sample Harvard Dining Services' food. Most importantly, the sun was out.

"The weather is smiling upon Harvard University and the Undergraduate Council right now, and all is right in Cambridge," mused former council Vice President Kamil E. Redmond '00 as she danced to the music of Mieka Pauley '01, whose band warmed up the crowd for Voodoo Daddy.


But the MAC Quad looked emptier than it usually does because of the conspicuous absence of an inflatable moonwalk and a sumo wrestling ring.

According to Council President Fentrice D. Driskell '01, the Magic World amusement company--which provided the council with these popular diversions for last year's Springfest--backed out of its contract with the council at 4 p.m. on Friday. That was the deadline set by the City of Cambridge for the company to obtain insurance for its amusements.

When the clock struck four and nothing was insured, Magic World broke its agreement--much to the chagrin of Springfest organizers.

"If we were rich and powerful, maybe we'd look into pursuing legal action," said Campus Life Committee (CLC) member Vladimir A. Kleyman '02.

But on Friday by 5 p.m., the council was already trying to figure out how to create its own homemade amusements, shuttling over to Toys 'R' Us to pick up water balloons, remote control cars, a plethora of balls and sporting equipment and other toys that they hoped could take the place of a moonwalk, Kleyman said.

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