
McCain, Bush Supporters Debate at HLS

Student supporters of Republican presidential hopefuls George W. Bush and John S. McCain debated their candidate's proposals for the budget surplus, Social Security, campaign finance reform and other salient issues last night in Harvard Law School's (HLS) Langdell Hall.

Massachusetts Youth for McCain coordinators Thomas R. Snider and Jonathan S Freimann and Campus Coordinators for George W. Bush Michael G. Adams and Christian J. Ward represented the campaigns of the two frontrunners in the Republican race.

The event, sponsored by the HLS Republicans, was moderated by HLS student John C. O'Quinn who asked prepared questions, allowing the opposing camps a rebuttal in each case.


First the mock candidates faced off over what they would propose to do with possible budget surpluses.

Bush advocates large tax cuts to return money to citizens.

"Federal taxes have been higher than at any other peacetime," Adams said. "The Bush plan returns money to citizens all across the spectrum."

Snider retorted that the Bush plan does not do enough to shore up Social Security and pay the national debt.

"By saving Social Security now, we won't have to raise Social Security taxes or cut benefits," Snider said.

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