
Student Supporters Key to Final Push

Late Monday night, Shauna L. Shames '01 crept around on strangers' porches, dropping pamphlets bearing Bill Bradley's likeness on their stoops. Luke P. McLoughlin '00 stayed up all night placing Bradley campaign signs in Concord, N.H. And Thomas R. Snider, a third-year student at the Law School, got up early one morning to guard about 300 McCain for President signs. (Other campaigns like to take them down).

Enthusiastic, dedicated and a little sleepy, Harvard students have done whatever it takes over the past week to ensure that their presidential candidate emerged triumphant in the New Hampshire primary.

"It's no harm done for a few sleepless nights. It's definitely worth it," said Shankar Duraiswamy '02, a Bradley supporter.


Yesterday, Harvard-affiliated volunteers for the presidential campaigns made their final push, wrapping up an intense week of digging in the frozen ground to put up campaign signs, making rapid-fire phone calls and doing "lit. drops" for events with the candidates themselves.

According Marcie B. Bianco '02, who helps organize Gore supporters at Harvard, 40 to 50 such students were campaigning for the Vice President across the state yesterday.

Snider said that McCain supporters drove people to the polls and were at nearly every polling site in the state, reminding people that McCain is running to "make a difference."

For campus organizers like McLoughlin, "Get Out The Vote" week, as it is called in New Hampshire, is the culmination of months of hard work.

"[We're] doing everything we can to make the final push," McLoughlin said. "It's been an absolutely amazing experience. We're like in the eye of the storm."

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