
Billy Crystal Receives Pudding Pot After Praising Pig

Billy Crystal won't be cracking jokes as host of the Academy Awards show until next month, but the actor had to deliver an Oscar-worthy performance last night to earn his pudding pot at the Hasty Pudding's Man of the Year award ceremony.

Crystal burst into the theater to a standing ovation and the Pudding orchestra's strains of "It Had to Be You."

But before he could get his pudding pot, Crystal had to lasso a blond "cow" with prominent udders onto the ground and portray how Robert De Niro might help a cow give birth.


Daniel A. Bress'01, co-producer of the Hasty Pudding's 152nd drag burlesque extravaganza, The Jewel of Denial, donned a white lab coat and stethoscope on stage to dish Crystal some "Hasty Pudding therapy."

Crystal perched on a folding chair and answered yes and no questions that poked fun of his own movies--including City Slickers and When Harry Met Sally.

But the roast ultimately cast the spot light on Crystal's talents as a comedian--perfect timing and dead-on impersonations--and Crystal brought down the house.

With the melody of Green Acres playing in the background, Crystal assumed the voice of his infamous Saturday Night Live character, Fernando and told a caged pig "you look disgusting. . . the top of your head looks like Jay Leno's."

When Bruce M. Haggerty'00, co-producer of Jewel, snapped his fingers out of sync with a drum roll, Crystal shared some of his experience as six- time Oscar host extraordinare. The duo practiced delivering the punch line snap in time with a drum roll, with Haggerty mimicking Crystal's professional style.

Crystal finally got his hands on his brass pudding pot after he donned a plastic bra and purple hat with silver antennas.

"I actually look like Monica Lewinsky," Crystal quipped, after delivering a breathy version of "Happy Birthday, Mr. President," to the audience.

Crystal said he did not mind wearing the raunchy attire.

"This is how I started, so it's no big deal to get into this stuff," he said. "I'm so glad to be the guy holding the pot and not getting arrested for it."

Crystal said he saw pictures from previous years' Man of the Year ceremonies and wanted to be part of the action too.

"I always thought, 'Why not me?' he said. "Now it's me, and it feels great."

Set to host the Oscars at the end of March, Crystal said he is already starting to work on his routine for the show.

"I always feel pressure to do better and make it interesting for myself," he said.

Crystal also hinted he might collaborate in the near future with his close friend and fellow comedian, Robin Williams.

"We've had our amazing moments on the stage. It would be great to channel that energy into a movie," he said.

Crystal and Williams have previously co-starred in the movie Father's Day together.

After the cow was safely lassoed to the ground and the caged pig praised for its attractive snout, Crystal said he thoroughly enjoyed clowning around on the Hasty Pudding stage.

"I was expecting worse--Dan and Bruce were a little kind," he said. "Every time I come off stage, I ask myself, 'Why am I not doing this all the time?'"

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