
Desperately Seeking a Head TF

It would seem a coveted job for any graduate student: close contact with a well-known professor, a boost in salary and a plumb title for a rising academic's resume. But head teaching fellows across campus say the competition for their jobs is hardly cutthroat.

Instead, they say the administrative workload of a large course's head TF spot scares many graduate students away--forcing professors frequently to solicit the graduate students they know best to help out.

Head by Default


Head TFs in some of the College's largest courses say there was no competition for their position.

Angelika Fretzen, head TF of Chemistry 10: "Foundations of Chemstry," says Gregory L. Verdine, professor of chemistry and instructor of the course, actually approached her and mentioned the opportunity.

"There was no formal process," she says. "[Verdine] was looking, and he called on me."

David W. Goldsmith says there was absolutely no competition for his job as head TF of Science B-16: "History of Life." Even though the position allows a graduate student to work one-on-one with famed evolutionary biologist Stephen J. Gould, Goldsmith says he was the only one willing to assume the workload.

For Science B-16 and other classes, the TF selection process is very logical, according to Goldsmith.

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