
Illinois Gov. Explains Stance Against Death Penalty

In a speech last night in Langdell Library, Republican Gov. George Ryan of Illinois described how he became a "convert" to the anti-death penalty cause.

In front of nearly 100 people, Ryan explained why he chose to impose a death penalty moratorium in his home state. He is the first governor from either party to take such a radical step.

"It became clear to me that when it came to the death penalty, there was no justice," he said.


On Jan. 31, 2000, Ryan, who had taken office a year earlier, announced a moratorium based on the state's record of convicting innocent people.

As a state legislator, he advocated a pro-death penalty stance. He described his attitude towards criminals as: "Catch him, convict him and throw away the key."

His opinion on the matter, however, has changed dramatically.

"I wish I had known then what I know now about the death penalty. A lot has happened to shake my faith in the death penalty," Ryan said.

Ryan cited the Anthony Porter case as a paradigm of what has happened to the Illinois justice system. Porter, who has an IQ of 50, was convicted of shooting two people in a park.

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