
Canadian Named Rhodes Scholar

Tegan S. Shohet '01, of Mather House and Toronto, Ontario, has upheld a prestigious family tradition by winning one of the 11 Rhodes scholarships awarded to Canadian students this year.

Both Shohet's grandfather and uncle had previously represented Canada as Rhodes scholars.

The prestigious award provides funds to study at Oxford University in the United Kingdom.


An economics concentrator, Shohet said she plans to enter the field of international relations and will study for a master's or doctoral degree in philosophy at a still-to-be determined Oxford college.

"[Applying] was a fantastic opportunity," she said. "From whatever Oxford is, and I don't even know yet, I'll try to pull out whatever I can."

Shohet said she is interested studying in the fields of journalism, foreign service or law as they apply to international relations.

Shohet was recently elected a member of Phi Beta Kappa, one of 48 members of the Class of 2001 to achieve this distinction during the fall.

This fall, Shohet also adapted and directed Shelagh Stevenson's The Memory of Water at the Loeb Experimental Theater, which The Crimson termed "a show worth remembering" in its review.

The Memory of Water was Shohet's directorial debut, but she has a lengthy history on the Harvard stage. She has participated in several shows during her undergraduate career. Her portrayal of Portia in the 1999 Hillel drama adaptation of The Merchant of Venice drew critical praise.

"Theater has been an integral part of my experience here," she said.

In addition to her work in theater, Shohet serves as the deputy-secretary-general of the Harvard Model United Nations.

British philanthropist and colonialist Cecil B. Rhodes provided the money for the annual award in his will.

Up to 240 Rhodes scholars from all over the world may be present at Oxford in a single term. America's 32 scholars represent the largest contingent.

This year's American winners have yet to be announced.

The demanding selection process is slightly different for Canadian students but follows the same general format--

Harvard's prospective scholars must pass through an Office of Career Services internal screening before submitting their transcripts, recommendations and statement essays to the Canadian Rhodes committee.

The finalists selected by the committee must then pass through a wide-ranging interview with eight selectors, where the field is further winnowed.

Despite the rigorous process, Harvard's Canadian community has produced Rhodes scholars from both the College and the Kennedy School of Government.

"I'm very excited to go as a representative of my country," Shohet said.

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