
GOP and Dem Parties Turn Into Tense Affairs

As Americans huddled around television sets in homes across the nation, hundreds of Harvard students congregated at partisan gatherings to collectively cringe at--and celebrate--the cliffhanger late into the night.

The College Republicans celebrated at the Sigma Chi fraternity house while the Democrats gathered in the Lowell House Junior Common Room. Students also congregated at a slightly less partisan gathering at the IOP and at a spontaneous celebration in the Straus Common Room.

The Republican gathering, while slightly smaller than the Democrats', proved a little more festive than the Democrats' party. Perhaps it was the crystal clear satellite TV reception or the dessert tray. Or perhaps it was the frat-house atmosphere and availability of alcohol.


Sarcastic yells of "communists" and inebriated attempts at Sen. Edward M. Kennedy '54-'56 impressions abounded at the unorthodox political gathering site.

"It was a good venue," said Robert R. Porter'02, chair of the Harvard Students for Bush and Sigma Chi member. "There is no official connection--many of the [fraternity] members are Democrats."

One of those Democrats is Marc Stad '01, president of the College Democrats. At Lowell House, Stad and his fellow Democrats celebrated amid a bevy of pizza, soda and donuts.

While they were a slightly more subdued crowd, the Democrats were not to be outdone in the category of sardonic humor.

"Kill whitey," quipped one reveler when the news flashed statistics reflecting the pro-Texas. Gov. George W. Bush leanings of white, Protestant males.

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