
Nader Hopes for 5 Percent Vote

There was more to Ralph Nader's final pre-election day appearance last night than a plea for votes.

There was a Harvard professor (the Medical School's David Himmelstein), who said the nation's healthcare system was "fucked up." There were political party staff members wearing open-toed sandals. Speakers quoting from Abbie Hoffman.

So much more--and so many people spoke at Boston University's Armory before the candidate that many in the audience began to wonder.


Was Ralph actually there?

An hour after the event began, Nader took the stage to a standing ovation.

As he began to speak, a sign-carrying George W. Bush supporter walked up and down the isle to a chorus of boo's.

Nader responded quickly, calling Bush "a corporation disguised as a man."

A visibly amused Nader quickly skipped ahead to the part of his stump speech where he criticizes Bush and Vice President Al Gore '69, calling them different heads of the same monster.

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