
Kerry Analyzes Consequences of Election

The presidential election should not be over until Florida's votes are recounted, Senator John F. Kerry (D-Mass.) said in an address last night at the Kennedy School of Government's ARCO Forum.

Kerry expressed his faith in due process and said it was time for a reevaluation of the American political system.

"Rest confidently, one of these two [candidates] will peacefully raise their hand in oath...come Jan. 20," he said. "No one can convince me that we don't have the time for due process."


Kerry, a Yale graduate who in his 16th year as senator has become one of his party's best-known names, acknowledged that there have been mistakes made on both sides in the election turmoil in Florida.

Amidst the palpable anticipation of the large audience, Kerry approached such touchy subjects with calmness, noting that one of his listeners could "grow up to hold the most powerful position in the land: Secretary of State for Florida."

In this election, Kerry said, partisanship has replaced statesmanship.

"If the Florida legislature flexes its muscles [and ignores the recommendations of the state Supreme Court], it could poison the situation," Kerry said.

He also discussed campaign issues that he thought were not given their due prominence.

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