
Pryor Disbands IOP's Student Governing Body

Institute of Politics (IOP) Director Sen. David Pryor will unilaterally dissolve the IOP's 30-member student governing body, effective Dec. 1, Pryor announced to the surprise of SAC members at a breakfast meeting Thursday.

Though Pryor and the SAC have discussed the possibility of restructuring the committee since last spring, the decision came out of the blue, said SAC members.

Hannah Choi '01, SAC chair, has asked the Undergraduate Council to pass a resolution "in support of student self-determination at the Institute of Politics."


"The overwhelming majority [of students on SAC and senior associates] think that this move is rash, ill-conceived and unjustified," she said. "He should have consulted us."

Pryor said Thursday night that he was dissolving SAC because he felt the IOP has become stagnant, attracting only political junkies.

The move was necessary to create a system that encourages more undergraduates to participate, he said.

"We've had continuing discussions about SAC and the best way to achieve openness and to be inclusive, and I felt it was the best decision to just begin anew," Pryor said. "It will be a new day at the Institute of Politics."

According to Pryor, SAC has become too "vertical" and is not composed of a diverse group of individuals.

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