
Leaving Her Mark: Myra A. Mayman, OFA Director, To Depart

Myra A. Mayman, the founding director of the Office for the Arts (OFA), has announced her intention to step down next June, drawing to a close almost 30 years of what her colleagues called progressive leadership with a personal touch.

The announcement comes at a time when the OFA occupies a prominent position on campus, which many campus art aficionados said can be attributed to the firm foundation that Mayman established.

Cathleen D. McCormick, the director of programs at the OFA who has worked with Mayman for 15 years, praised Mayman as an effective leader and co-worker with an excellent sense of humor.


"She's a fantastic person to know and to work with," McCormick said yesterday. "She is very smart, very devoted to the arts on a deep level and her commitment to undergraduates is always steadfast and has always been admirable."

Mayman has helped develop programs like Learning from Performers, which pairs renowned artists with students in an interactive setting.

Over 550 artists have participated in the program.

Thomas S. Lee, coordinator of the Learning from Performers program, said he would miss her leadership style.

"She's a key judge of people," Lee said. "She really brings out what they're good at. She knows the best person for any particular job. There's a lot of longevity here, and that speaks well of Myra."

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