
HYPE Pushes Voter Registration

The goal was to register new voters, and several top Massachusetts politicians did their best to turn up the volume, but it was the unusual tunes of

They Might Be Giants that drew the thickest crowds.

The Institute of Politics ended their month-long voter registration drive yesterday with its much-promoted Harvard Youth for Political Empowerment (HYPE) event on the Quad.


The atmosphere was festive, the crowd somewhat sparse at times, but the cotton candy was copious, and the speakers, energetic. They exhorted Harvard students to vote and to participate in civic life.

"I don't care whether you vote or don't vote, but I'll tell you, if you don't vote, I don't care about you," U.S. Rep. Michael E. Capuano said.

Sen. John F. Kerry said, "There are a group of people in Washington who just don't get it, and we need to teach them a lesson."

U.S. Rep Barney Frank '61-62, however, said he knew that his audience included many who had already decided to vote.

"I assume to some extent that I am preaching to the converted," he said.

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