

Harvard Takes Financial Aid


To the editors:

I am infuriated that Harvard plans to cut its own contribution to financial aid to students in the wake of Congress's decision to increase grant money to students. Just as it has done with the tax code, Harvard is using the system to promote itself, rather than students, for whom government money was intended. It is enraging that taxpayer money, intended to be used as financial aid, will go into Harvard's overstuffed belly.

If Harvard wanted the best for its students, it would offer more financial aid now, rather than suck up the cut-backs. Students still pay far too much and far more than they can afford. I cannot believe how excruciatingly disingenuous Harvard is when it says that its students' "demonstrated needs" are met and that they need give no further money to financial aid--the administration forgets to mention that at the same time, it will soak up the extra money itself!

I will never give one dime more than I owe to this University. Many of my friends say they'll donate to Harvard but specify that it go to financial aid. But isn't it clear that Harvard would just rearrange funds so the money will go to feed the Harvard machine? JOE SUBOTNIK '00   May 7, 1999
