
GSE Library Staffer Assaulted After Confronting Wallet Thief

A member of the administrative staff at the Graduate School of Education's Gutman Library was assaulted at approximately 4 p.m. on March 26 outside the library.

According to the Harvard University Police Department (HUPD), after the staff member's wallet was stolen from inside the library, the staff member confronted the thief.

When confronted, the man pulled out a club and then threw a soda can at the staff member, according to the advisory. McNamara said the staff member was not injured. Nothing else was reported stolen.

"There's no indication that the victim suffered any injuries," she said.

McNamara said there were multiple witnesses to the alleged assault. The police received several calls at the same time concerning the incident.


A community advisory issued by HUPD included a composite of the suspect. The victim described the suspect to police as a black male, 40 years old, 6'1" and 185 lbs. The suspect was also described as thinly built with very dark skin, a slight moustache and bad lower teeth.

The suspect was believed to have been wearing a dark colored baseball cap with a red letter "A" on it, a black nylon, waistlength jacket, black jeans and tan work boots at the time of the incident. He is described as speaking in a low, slow voice.

According to McNamara, police have increased their patrols around Gutman Library since the incident occurred and all police officers have the description of the suspect.

The suspect is being sought by the police for attempted larceny and aggravated assault.

"The investigation into the aggravated assault is ongoing," McNamara said.

HUPD has asked anyone with any information concerning this incident to contact the Criminal Investigation Unit.

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