
Sanberg To Head College Democrats


Joseph N. Sanberg '00 was elected president of the Massachusetts College Democrats yesterday at the New England Regional Conference of the College Democrats, co-hosted this weekend by Harvard and Boston University.

Sanberg, current president of the Harvard College Democrats, served as vice president of the statewide organization last year and cites this as one of the reasons he ran unopposed for the presidency.

According to Sanberg, the state organization has three major functions: serving as an umbrella organization for Democratic student groups throughout the state; mobilizing students behind Democrats and Democratic issues and organizing student conferences with speakers and workshops.

Sanberg said while many of the issues his organization will deal with have overall national importance, others relate more specifically to Massachusetts college students.

"Recently, we got students behind the student loan tax cut at the State House," he said.


Sanberg said he has high hopes for the Democrats during the upcoming campaign season.

"As [former Democratic National Committee char] Steve Grossman and [former presidential candidate] Michael Dukakis said this weekend, All the chips are up for grabs,"' Sanberg said.

"My number one goal is to mobilize and energize students across the Commonwealth for not only Democratic candidates, but Democratic issues," he continued. "In 2000, we can take the White House and take back the Senate and the House."

Sanberg replaces Toby Chaudhria, a senior at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst. He took office immediately upon election. --Brady R. Dewar

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